Monday 2 January 2012

These scales must be wrong?

Has anyone ever said that? "These scales must be wrong! I must have lost more than that!" I have, more times than I care to remember! I know that my body fat could have changed or I may be carrying a little more water or it's that time of the month or 1000 other reasons why the scale doesn't show the number I want, but still it ruins my day! I'll admit it, I'm obsessed with standing on the scales. I advise people all the time not be be hung up on what the scale says but here I am morning, noon and night 7 days a week standing on them, you know "just to see". I've decided this year that I'm going to work on being ultra fit and a super healthy eater rather than focussing all my efforts on getting that number on the scale down. I figure if I'm getting fitter and fitter my the day and eating clean nutritious food then the weight will just fall off naturally without me putting myself down for being a quarter of a pound heavier than yesterday. I know my obsession with the scale isn't a healthy one, and I'm not promising not to weigh myself. However I am going to limit it to once a week and if it's not the exact figure I wanted then hey that's life! I am promising though to make great food choices and workout like it's my job!! Here's to my fittest year ever #fittestyearever12 p.s. in this whole blog every time I tried to write 'and' I mis-typed and wrote 'abs' by mistake!! Hhhhhmm a sign maybe??


  1. I usually weigh every morning just to "see". It isnt the best thing to do but it gives me motivation to keep going whether the number us good or bad.

  2. When I do it in the morning if it's bad it totally ruins my day :-( Going to try and keep it to once a week.
