Tuesday, 27 December 2011

What's in a name??

Hello all

You may have noticed I've changed my name from Fat2FitIn90Days to Fat2Fit4Life..... and I've got a good reason! I've been re-evaluating my attitude to weight loss, healthy eating, exercise etc etc and realised I've got such a "quick fix" attitude.  I'll be honest, in general I am a very impatient person (something I'm trying to work on), so when I started this I thought "lets make it 90days and that'll force me to get it done, I'll work mega crazy hard for 90 days then it'll be done".  I've since realised health and fitness isn't something to work at like a maniac for 3 months then I'll be where I want to be, it's a life long change to a better and ever evolving body.  

I'm now aiming not to 'just get it done', I'm aiming for consistency and working day in and day out to always improve and making this not something to do for 90 days but as a way to live for life.  

Therefore I'm now Fat 2 Fit 4 Life!!


  1. Love the new name:-) I agree each day is such an accomplishment when it comes to weight loss. The best of luck in 2012!!

  2. Thanks Michelle, just thought my name should be more about a new lifestyle rather than just a quick fix.
