Has anyone ever said that? "These scales must be wrong! I must have lost more than that!" I have, more times than I care to remember! I know that my body fat could have changed or I may be carrying a little more water or it's that time of the month or 1000 other reasons why the scale doesn't show the number I want, but still it ruins my day! I'll admit it, I'm obsessed with standing on the scales. I advise people all the time not be be hung up on what the scale says but here I am morning, noon and night 7 days a week standing on them, you know "just to see".
I've decided this year that I'm going to work on being ultra fit and a super healthy eater rather than focussing all my efforts on getting that number on the scale down. I figure if I'm getting fitter and fitter my the day and eating clean nutritious food then the weight will just fall off naturally without me putting myself down for being a quarter of a pound heavier than yesterday.
I know my obsession with the scale isn't a healthy one, and I'm not promising not to weigh myself. However I am going to limit it to once a week and if it's not the exact figure I wanted then hey that's life! I am promising though to make great food choices and workout like it's my job!!
Here's to my fittest year ever #fittestyearever12
p.s. in this whole blog every time I tried to write 'and' I mis-typed and wrote 'abs' by mistake!! Hhhhhmm a sign maybe??